Sunday, July 25, 2010



Humpty Dumpty, a very plump lil fella,
looked outa the window an' snatched his umbrella.

He waxed his moustache and straightened his bow tie,
And stuffed his pockets with leftover blackbird pie.

He kicked open his door and drew a deep breath
Was it too much pie or HAD HE JUST SMELT DEATH?

Not one to be deterred, he popped a pink pill,
And carefully proceeded to baby-step down the hill.

On reaching the town, oh what a procession,
Apparently royalty is never affected by recession.

For the Queen was out, in all her glory
If I start to describe it, that'll be another story.

Being bored to death in her fly-infested den,
She was leading the kings horses and also the king's men ;)

Royal eyes darting here and there like a talent scout,
They finally rested on a figure obscenely stout.

Sitting on a wall with an air so reflective;
He could've been mistaken for a certain Belgian detective.

Now the Queen was out on a not-so-secret mission,
She was hell bent on breaking the royal tradition.

For how long could a woman stuff herself with honey and bread?
And the occasional entertaintment being - Off with his head!

Plus the king, thanks to pie, was spilling out of his clothes
And the maid never failed to complain of her swollen nose.

So it was up to her, to spice up life and larder,
Blessed with a royal IQ she would have to try harder.

But here on the wall, was her muse.
No time to lose,must rustle up a ruse.
There- perfect! he'staking a snooze.

Having crept up from behind,armed with just a plume,
She tickled him and laughed wickedly - as he fell to his doom,
Womb to tomb.

That he'd smash on the road is a bit too predictable,
Lets say instead he ended up at the dinner table.

As he scrambled to his fall (as only an egg can),
Someone expertly stuck out a frying pan.

Complete with pepper, salt and hot oil,
Cooked to a fluff, then wrapped in silver foil.


The court held it's breath as the king took a nibble,
And people tried to regulate their drool to a steady dribble.

Then as his face broke out in a beam of delight,
Thousands scrambled in, all eager for a bite.

What happened thereafter is anyone's guess
The court was in disaray, the king was a mess.

But let's not forget Humpty and his contribution to gastronomy,
Scrambling was in his nature - what failed him was ergonomy.

-Manorama Ukidve
( Lunch break 25th Feb 2010- the author has since, given up eating eggs - scrambled or otherwise).